On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 18:39:36 UTC, Mathias Lang wrote:
Sadly, to solve that without imposing much pain on the users, you need a more decent VRP than we currently have...

Lionello Lunesu did a lot of work both on improving VRP, and on bug 259:
He pretty much gave up after being ignored for well over a year.

I started porting his work to DDMD back in October.:
I also have an actual fix for issue #259 on my hard drive; I haven't submitted it yet because I need PR 5229 accepted first, and also because there is one other big VRP related improvement that is needed, too.

My work is stalled now, just like Lionello's, because:

1) DMD 14835 blocks any meaningful VRP improvements, and
2) No one will do a serious review of my work, either - even though PR 5229 is fairly small and straightforward.

Bug 259 could be fixed pretty quickly if it were actually a priority for the core compiler dev team. As it is, it may never get fixed...

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