On Tuesday, 22 March 2016 at 08:52:23 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
This isn't a question of all-or-nothing. Clearly, interfacing with any possible C++ code is just complete lunacy.

You need to define what you mean by interfacing:

1. Interfacing with existing C++ libraries.
2. Interfacing with C++ code written with D in mind.
3. Interfacing with legacy C++ applications(pre C++11)

Point 3 will become irrelevant over time, so it is not worth the trouble. Point 2 is achievable even from Python (Boost Python).

Point 1 is what is needed for C++ interfacing to be a selling point and then you do need:

1. Redefine or extend D semantics to match C++.
2. Link in clang.

D has thus far demonstrated that there's a decently-sized proportion of C++ code that can be bound to without needing to integrate a full C++ compiler.

I don't think this has been demonstrated. What projects are you talking about?

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