On Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 07:26:46PM +1100, Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 1/04/2016 6:24 AM, deadalnix wrote:
> >Pretty much as per title. I has that in the back of my mind for a
> >while.  Would that work ?
> Don't forget that builtin AAs have been an epic disaster, and this
> would require an appalling amount of effort to implement in the
> compiler types, ctfe, druntime, new traits etc.
> Phobos seems like a better place - and while not quite as concise, the
> syntax should still be pretty intuitive.

Yeah, having yet another language builtin is a bad idea, it complicates
the compiler and ties you to a specific implementation of sets. Why not
just Set!T instead, implemented in Phobos?

Sets behave pretty much like bit arrays, so for operations you can have:

        Set!T s1, s2, s3
        T e;

        auto s3 = s1 | s2;      // union
        auto s4 = s1 & s2;      // intersection
        auto s5 = s1 * s2;      // cartesian product
        auto s6 = s1 - s2;      // set difference
        auto s7 = s1 ^ s2;      // symmetric difference

which gives us nice enough syntax for standard set operations, perfectly
implementable via operator overloading in a library.  (Note: above
operators are only suggestions.)

I don't think AA syntax is very well-suited for sets. (What on earth
is `set[x] = true` supposed to mean?! You want to add an element to the
set, not to set an element to true in the set. It doesn't make sense


What did the alien say to Schubert? "Take me to your lieder."

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