q{...} // comment (existing syntax)
q{...} // string literal (existing syntax)

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 10:39 PM, Timothee Cour <thelastmamm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> what's D's answer for C++11's uniform initialization [1] which allows DRY 
> code?
> Could we have this:
> ----
> struct A{
>   int a;
>   int b;
> }
> A fun(A a, int b) {
>   if(b==1) return i{0,1};
>   else if(b==2) return i{2,3};
>   else return fun(i{3,4}, 1);
> }
> ----
> As for which syntax to use, that's an orthogonal question, but here I
> used i{} since {} (from C++11) is already used by delegates (with
> tuples also being discussed at some point, which didn't pan out bc
> someone mentioned it was ambiguous in some case; see my next email
> proposal below though [2])
> ----
> {} // delegate (existing syntax)
> q{...} // comment (existing syntax)
> i{...} // uniform intialization (proposed syntax)
> t{...} // tuple(a,b) (proposed syntax)
> T{...} // TypeTuple!(a,b) (proposed syntax)
> ----
> [1] 
> http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/133688/is-c11-uniform-initialization-a-replacement-for-the-old-style-syntax
> [2] EMAIL:proposed syntax for tuple: t{} and TypeTuple: T{}

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