[I'm moving this from deep inside a TDPL thread, since I think it's important]

is(typeof(XXX)) is infamously ugly and unintuitive
__traits(compiles, XXX) is more comprehensible, but just as ugly.

They are giving metaprogramming in D a bad name. I think we need to get rid of both of them.

A very easy way of doing this is to replace them with a 'magic namespace' -- so that they _look_ as though they're functions in a normal module. Names which have been suggested include 'meta', 'traits', 'scope', 'compiler'. Personally I think 'meta' is the nicest (and I suggested two of the others <g>). This would give us:

meta.isArithmetic; // note, property syntax OK if no arguments

* Fewer keywords: __traits -> meta, typeid() -> meta.typeid()
* Get rid of is() expressions, which are the most complicated thing in the language.
* Some meta.XXX functions could be defined in runtime library code.
* The existing __traits functions could have more useful return values.
* Retain the flexibility of __traits.

These days, I don't propose anything unless I'm prepared to write a patch to implement it. <g>

If nothing is, this should convince everyone that there's NO REASON to put up with the ugly metaprogramming syntax we currently have. We can do much better. Easily.

PATCH against svn 234 (this is just a quick hack for evaluation, it doesn't fix error messages, etc. But it works as described above. It allows all existing code to continue to compile).

This allows '__traits' as the magic namespace. The existing __traits stuff continues to compile. To allow 'meta' as another synonym for the same magic namespace, add this line to lexer.c, line 2960.

    {    "__traits",    TOKtraits    },
+   {    "meta",            TOKtraits    },
    {    "__overloadset", TOKoverloadset    },

(Hmm. Didn't know __overloadset was a keyword. The things you find...)

Index: parse.c
--- parse.c    (revision 234)
+++ parse.c    (working copy)
@@ -4934,6 +4934,20 @@
         Objects *args = NULL;

+        if (token.value == TOKdot) {
+            // __traits.identifier(args, ...)
+        nextToken();
+        if (token.value != TOKidentifier)
+        {   error("__traits.identifier(args...) expected");
+            goto Lerr;
+        }
+        ident = token.ident;
+        nextToken();
+        if (token.value==TOKlparen)
+        args = parseTemplateArgumentList2();
+            e = new TraitsExp(loc, ident, args);
+        break;
+        }
         if (token.value != TOKidentifier)
         {   error("__traits(identifier, args...) expected");

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