On 14.04.2016 12:14, Carlin wrote:
import std.stdio;
import std.bitmanip;

ubyte[] serialize(uint t)
     ubyte[] bytes = nativeToBigEndian(t);
     return bytes;

void main()

Your code is wrong. It's really easy to get wrong, though. Too easy probably.

nativeToBigEndian returns a fixed-size array. That's a value type. By assigning it to a ubyte[], you're slicing the return value. That is, you make a reference to temporary data. The reference becomes invalid as soon the assignment is over, so you're returning a slice to garbage memory.

To make a ubyte[] from the result of nativeToBigEndian, you have to dup it:
ubyte[] serialize(uint t)
    return nativeToBigEndian(t).dup;

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