Am Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:15:26 +0000 schrieb Atila Neves <>:
Just remember that makefiles are well integrated with other systems (i.e. package managers) and there are some conventions, about what certain environment variables mean. To name a few: MAKEOPTS=-j4 (parallel build with N processes) DC=/opt/ldc2-0.17/bin/ldc2 (Dlang compiler) DC_FLAGS=-O5 (flags for that compiler) LDFLAGS=-L=-O1 (flags for the linker) PREFIX=/usr (installation prefix) Dlang projects already have some make files that handle linker flag prefixes while others will pass them verbatim to gcc and some make files accept a DMD (ldmd2, gdmd, dmd) and others a DC (ldc2, gdc, dmd). The more things we can override, the better. As a practical example, on Gentoo, the package management sets all kinds of environment variables, most importantly PREFIX, LDFLAGS, CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. It would be great if any replacement system would also honor those (translated to D). Even better if it could handle GDC and LDC2 directly (since gdmd and ldmd2 don't do all the way). LDFLAGS need translation from the default (GCC) syntax to DMD and LDC2. I currently do this in a helper script and would not depend on the build script doing that. -- Marco