On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 at 13:05:35 UTC, tcak wrote:
On Thursday, 21 May 2015 at 10:39:46 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
Basically you need clone your fork to your computer, add a "upstream" remote to github.com/D-Programming-Language/[repo name, eg. phobos], pull from upstream the new changes and optionally update github by pushing to origin (origin normally is github). It may sound complicated doing this from the command-line, but after a few times you'll get used to it.

Please put this information somewhere. Due to the fear of being told to squash commits, I do not want to do any commits anymore.

If all you need to do is squash commits, just `git rebase -i HEAD~N` where N is some number at least as big as the number of commits back that you're interested in messing around with then read the instructions that will appear. Once you're done, `git push --force` to update your branch.

I would recommend making a copy of the whole repository locally before any of that just in case you mess something up, at least while you're not as confident with git.

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