On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 01:01:01 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
## How complete are the free compilers?
This is an important question, because we would need to know whether we can expect D code to be compiled by any compiler, or whether there are tradeoffs that must be made. This question is asking manly how complete LDC and GDC are compared to each other, but also whether both are implementing the D2 specification completely. The question here is also, which compiler should be the default (which IMHO would be the most complete, most bug-free actively maintained one ^^).

Many D users are enthusiasts and push the compiler to its limits, they are usually stuck with DMD (even DMD HEAD sometimes) as it provides the latest fixes. It depends on the coding style, AppStream generator is an example of old good plain business logic one is unlikely to need recent frontend for, but for people writing black magic code a couple of versions lag of free compilers behind DMD is usually a blocker, but whoever uses the free compilers already considers them complete enough for their tasks. Currently LDC looks like the most actively maintained one.

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