
I'm Lodovico Giaretta and I've been selected by the D Foundation for GSoC 2016.

First of all, I'd like to thank the D Foundation for this fantastic opportunity. In particular, I'd like to thank Craig Dillabaugh and Robert Schadek for their patience in helping me from my first contacts till now. I'll do my best to implement my proposal and make this experience really unique.

My proposal is available online: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2_hnTCdWtH-eEplQ3hZdnY2Wlk/view?usp=sharing

Also, while writing the proposal, I started implementing some small components. You can find my efforts here: https://github.com/lodo1995/experimental.xml
I expect that I'll restart updating it in a couple of days.

This is my first experience at GSoC and also my first collaboration with a big open source project, so if you have any suggestion about my proposal or my early implementation, feel free to tell me.

Thank you very much to everybody.

Lodovico Giaretta

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