On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:
> SafeD is, unfortunately, not finished at the moment. I want to leave in
> place a stub that won't lock our options. Here's what we currently have:
> module(system) calvin;
> This means calvin can do unsafe things.
> module(safe) susie;
> This means susie commits to extra checks and therefore only a subset of D.
> module hobbes;
> This means hobbes abides to whatever the default safety setting is.
> The default safety setting is up to the compiler. In dmd by default it is
> "system", and can be overridden with "-safe".
> Sketch of the safe rules:
> \begin{itemize*}
> \item No @cast@ from a pointer type to an integral type and vice versa
> \item No @cast@ between unrelated pointer types
> \item Bounds checks on all array accesses
> \item  No  unions  that  include  a reference  type  (array, �...@class@,
>  pointer, or @struct@ including such a type)
> \item No pointer arithmetic
> \item No escape of a pointer  or reference to a local variable outside
>  its scope
> \item Cross-module function calls must only go to other @safe@ modules
> \end{itemize*}
> So these are my thoughts so far. There is one problem though related to the
> last \item - there's no way for a module to specify "trusted", meaning:
> "Yeah, I do unsafe stuff inside, but safe modules can call me no problem".
> Many modules in std fit that mold.
> How can we address that? Again, I'm looking for a simple, robust, extensible
> design that doesn't lock our options.

I have to say that I would be seriously annoyed to see repeated
references to a feature that turns out to be vaporware.  (I'm guessing
there will be repeated references to SafeD based on the Chapter 4
sample, and I'm guessing it will be vaporware based on the question
you're asking above).  I'd say leave SafeD for the 2nd edition, and
just comment that work is underway in a "Future of D" chapter near the
end of the book.  And of course add a "Look to <the publishers website
|| digitalmars.com> for the latest!"

Even if not vaporware, it looks like whatever you write is going to be
about something completely untested in the wild, and so has a high
chance of turning out to need re-designing in the face of actual use.


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