On 04/25/2016 04:18 PM, cym13 wrote:
I dislike some points of the API though, I think changing eol is more
common than changing separator so I would rather have the two switched.
Maybe even removed, replaced by a single switch "eol=true" as contrary
to python we have more powerful formating functions at hand and I think
restricting the domain of each function would prove better on the long
run in order to keep consistency.

I'd say it's a coin toss. There'd be as many arguments for one order as for the other.

Also as the unittest shows it is hard to test a function that can only
print to stdout which raises an orange flag in my mind: please, consider
adding a way to supplant stdout. The best would be to make the unittest
work:   file.print(i, i*i*i);  as it clearly comes from an natural

Good point to keep in mind, thanks.


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