On 13.05.2016 21:25, Walter Bright wrote:
On 5/12/2016 4:06 PM, Marco Leise wrote:
Am Mon, 9 May 2016 04:26:55 -0700
schrieb Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com>:

I wonder what's the difference between 1.30f and cast(float)1.30.

There isn't one.

Oh yes, there is! Don't you love floating-point...

cast(float)1.30 rounds twice, first from a base-10
representation to a base-2 double value and then again to a
float. 1.30f directly converts to float.

This is one reason why the compiler carries everything internally to 80
bit precision, even if they are typed as some other precision. It avoids
the double rounding.

IMO the compiler should never be allowed to use a precision different from the one specified.

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