On Saturday, 14 May 2016 at 12:25:30 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta wrote:
I wrote this small module ( https://github.com/lodo1995/polymorph.d ), taking inspiration from Amaury Sechet's great talk at DConf ( http://dconf.org/2016/talks/sechet.html ).

Somewhat related are my lightweight variant implementations

- `WordVariant` at



- `VariantPointerTo` at


They both use the upper bits of a word (currently 64-bit only) for type-information. See the unittest for details on usage.

The `WordVariant` was needed in my implementation of a high-performance and memory efficient pure D implementation of prefix-trie at


It will provide flexible use of memory, either using the GC or not. It's also, when possible, always @safe pure nothrow.

The trie is very much in development right now, but I will announce its presence as soon as it stabilizes.

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