On Friday, 13 May 2016 at 22:13:50 UTC, QAston wrote:

Mainstream PL syntax is extremely unintuitive and poorly designed by known pedagogical, epistemological, and communicative science standards. The vast majority people who are introduced to programming do not pursue it (likely true of many fields, but programming may see a smaller grab than most – this point requires a lot more context). I'm open to the possibility that the need to master the bizarre syntax of incumbent programming languages might serve as a useful filter for qualities valuable in a programmer, but I'm not sure how good or precise the filter is.

Your research seems to have a very big ommission: textual representation is not only representation of programs - therfore programming doesn't have to have syntax. The first programming enviroment I was introduced to was an executable flowchart enviroment.

Quick note: I'm looking at the effects of the syntax and design of incumbent programming languages on the appeal of programming to people in general, with some specific questions concerning the appeal of programming to women (particularly elite women who have many career options.)

So that research track is bound to the world as I find it, and the world as I find it is a world where graphical programming languages and environments are not widely used, and where all the programming languages in wide use are plain text.

That said, I'm deeply interested in graphical and visual programming methods. I know quite a bit about them, have studied lots of historic efforts and even contemporary ones like Snap (http://snap.berkeley.edu/) and Scratch. Side note: I'm a bit of a Russophile, and I'm fascinated by the history of Soviet computing, with innovations like the Elbrus systems with tagged memory, and the ways they cloned major American computing platforms. Something I dug into last year is the DRAKON graphical programming language, which they built as part of the Buran space shuttle program. Very interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRAKON

Programmers tend to be conservative in many respects. There's the assumption that programming must consist of a programmer typing plain text into a flat document that contains many levels of abstraction and many different kinds of concepts. By flat I mean that it's this continuous blob that takes no account of its content, of varying levels of abstraction, of the wildly different kinds of work and reasoning that are expressed in this run-on text file. Then a compiler takes this text and does its thing. There's very little visual representation. Type systems are quite arbitrary and primitive -- we could've moved to real-world types a long time ago, which would be much safer and a hell of a lot more productive. Type theory imports the barbarism of legacy type systems and doesn't question the assumption that the universe is best carved into ints and floats at the source code level, instead of prices, km, or seconds. Compilers still don't know that something called lastName is a string (or better yet, a *text* type -- strings are for yo-yos), or that salesTax is a decimal. That's really simple stuff. It's nuts that with semantic names we still have to assign types, and that those types are so much coarser than the information already in the name. Our vaunted notion of type safety is based on an incredibly coarse split between ints, floats, and maybe strings or arrays. I think it should confuse every CS student how these distinctions came to preoccupy us, and why we don't have anything more to say about types at this point in history.

So graphical programming is a huge change for a very conservative field, and probably has worse than "script kiddie" connotations for many professional programmers. And there's no compelling evidence that graphical is better than text for many use cases. It might be better for some people, and a one-to-one mapping between a powerful textual PL and a graphical form would be very interesting.

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