On Monday, 16 May 2016 at 18:25:23 UTC, Chris wrote:
I had a look at Loci, more specifically the language goals[1]:

I've been skimming through the docs and found one mention of D:


It seems to me that Loci is not a very "inspired" language meaning that it doesn't take inspiration from many other languages. The docs only ever refer to some classic mainstream languages including C++, Obj-C, Java, C#, with a hint of D. There are a few nice aspects such as modules, algebraic types, tuples, and concepts. But then I feel like it takes too much from C++ and mimics Java-esque OOP and concepts. I'm not saying these are bad things but there isn't much that makes Loci stand out as a programming language.

I'll add this to my list of PL bookmarks. It's a new language with it's first stable build released just two years ago so maybe the best is yet to come.

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