Am 17.05.2016 um 11:45 schrieb Chris:
@Nick, fyi, when I compile the library with dmd v2.071.0, I get the
following warning:

sdlang-d 0.9.5: building configuration "library"...
src/sdlang/lexer.d(13,8): Deprecation: module is deprecated -
It will be removed from Phobos in October 2016. If you still need it, go

Nice, I just saw that opening files with non-ASCII characters on Windows was recently fixed for std.stdio. Using is, I think, only used to work around that. I'll switch back to std.stdio in DUB, which has the same warning.
  • SDLang-D on Github Chris via Digitalmars-d
    • Re: SDLang-D on Github Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d

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