Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
grauzone wrote:
Ary Borenszweig wrote:
grauzone wrote:
Frank Benoit wrote:
safe should be the default. The unsafe part should take the extra
typing, not the other way. Make the user prefer the safe way.

No. D is not C#.

D is an unsafe language.
C# is a safe language.

Like that? :)

If you mean memory safety, then yes and will probably forever be for all practical uses (unless D gets implemented on a Java or .net like VM).

Oh how cool. So it turns out that SafeD can be 100% implemented on a safe VM. It's great to give a well-defined target to potential implementers.

I'm not sure. On Java you probably had trouble emulating ref params/returns, and on .net, you can use pointers anyway. By the way, I remember someone saying T[new] would be good for implementing arrays/slices on .net, but it got dumped (I find this funny and absurd in this context).


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