Hi -- first-time poster, long-time lurker...

On its homepage, the Julia langauge (http://julialang.org) advertises some microbenchmark results to show how competitive it is with C, along with a number of other languages (go, python, JS, R, etc.). These should of course be taken with a big grain of salt, for the usual reasons (the implementations differ across languages, even at the algorithmic level, whether these are representative of real-life perf, not really rigorously timed, etc.)

I implemented these in D and found it did really well across all of them (no great surprise, but good to see). The results are at the bottom, in absolute time and time relative to C. (note the infinite relative times are b/c the cc -O3 basically optimized the computation away)

The github code is here:  https://github.com/carljv/julia-perf

I think it'd be good advertising to make a PR with these to the Julia repo and see if they'll put them on the site. A lot of people we drawn to Julia because it was making promises similar to D -- C-like performance in an easy-to-use language (in Julia's case, dynamic) with good metaprogramming (in Julia's case, AST macros).

But I'd be thrilled if anyone---esp. those with D science/numerics knowledge---would be willing to take a look. E.g., I'm rolling my own matrix operations wrapping blas functions because I couldn't easily find the functionality in scid, mir, etc., but feel like I'm missing something. And I think while showing easy C ffi is great, showing that you can do this easily with a library would be good too.

I'm also a bit of a D novice, so may be leaving some performance on the table. (Note though that I am trying to keep the code roughly inline with the Julia implementation and not using, like ASM or uglier perf hacks. It'd be nice to show off how D gives you high-level constructs with speed, not just writing the C implementation in D.)

If you want to replicate these, the README on the repo should be relatively complete/correct about setting up and running.

Please let me know if you're interested in this and have any questions or issues.

  dlang/ldc2      0.01ms          infx
            go    0.05ms          infx
          julia   0.06ms          infx
     python       3.56ms          infx

  dlang/ldc2      0.13ms         1.22x
            go    0.19ms         1.84x
          julia   0.20ms         1.88x
      python      3.97ms        38.19x

             go   0.15ms         1.06x
          julia   0.18ms         1.23x
  dlang/ldc2      0.18ms         1.25x
     python       2.68ms        18.75x

  dlang/ldc2      2.91ms        0.40x
          julia   7.27ms        0.99x
            go    8.40ms        1.14x
     python     819.50ms        111.10x

  dlang/ldc2      0.21ms         0.55x
          julia   0.37ms         0.96x
            go    0.48ms         1.25x
     python      14.53ms        37.73x

  dlang/ldc2     29.65ms         0.71x
          julia  49.88ms         1.19x
            go   68.84ms         1.65x
      python     71.95ms         1.72x

  dlang/ldc2      8.11ms        1.26x
        julia    21.99ms        3.40x
           go    22.00ms        3.40x
     python     118.10ms        18.27x

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