A couple of weeks ago on the next/shift convenience wrapper discussion [1], there was a nice discussion about transient ranges. It didn't come to a conclusion, so let's revie it. I just cite the best three quotes from the thread as a summary:


The reality of the matter is that ranges with a transient front tend to break if you do much more than use foreach on them. They don't even work with std.array.array


There is an implicit expectation that if you assign the front of a range to something, it's going to last forever, because many ranges do actually behave that way. But the range contract does not guarantee that, it just happens to work.


isTransient can only be implemented if the range implementor defines its value. There is no way to know whether a range is transient or not just by looking at its type and the signatures of front, popFront, etc.. Having said that, though, since transient ranges are generally the exception rather than the norm, we could adopt a convention that transient ranges declare themselves thus by defining a .transient enum member or something like that, and have isTransient return false if a range doesn't have such a member.

On a related note, there are a good number of Phobos algorithms that do not work on transient ranges at all, because internally they (blindly) assume that assigning the value of .front to a local variable will retain its original value after popFront is called. I've fixed a couple of places where this happens, but I'm almost certain many other places haven't been fixed yet, and in some cases, cannot be fixed without restricting the algorithms to forward ranges only rather than input ranges. Some things simply cannot be implemented without copying .front somehow, and the only way to do this reliably with the current API is to require forward ranges and use save to keep track of the previous position of the range.

So what about the convention to explicitely declare a `.transient` enum member on a range, if the front element value can change?

[1] https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/4010

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