On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 11:28:05 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On 05/26/2016 08:07 PM, Seb wrote:
I think we all agree that general is having to much traffic and according to CyberShadow [1] this again is just an approval issue, however I expect this a bit controversial, so please no OT! Only other category proposals.

Proposed categories:

- DRuntime
- Phobos
- Language design (or Idea pool)
- D Foundation + resources
- Events
- Other (formerly known as General)

I want to stress that whatever categories we pick, we have to adapt them anyways if we realize that something is noisy again or too silent.


Without moderators to move mismatching topic between groups any more fine grained separation will do more harm than good. NG in its current form is simply not a good tool for focused technical discussion and won't be. "Get rid of OT" idea sounds like mockery to anyone who doesn't spend his entire lifetime posting here because 90+% of NG posts are absolutely irrelevant.

To avoid confusion the proposal is to reduce the number of forums from 14 (currently) to 7. So we are halfing the number and are _not_ introducing more fine grained separation. Instead the idea was rearange the forums to sth. like this:

New users:
- Learn / Help
- General
- Annouce (Official annoucements)
- Broadcast
- Core (Language and standard library development)
- Third-party (Dub universe)

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