On Friday, 3 June 2016 at 02:17:51 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
A lot of us, myself included, have been very critical of Andrei lately but I want to list of the excellent work he has done over the years:

First, early D was very different to D of today. Andrei changed that, for the better. He's a genius of innovation with templates and good at getting to the bottom of generic code.

The Range concept is excellent, the logical extension of iterators like slices are to pointers, and std.algorithm is generally brilliant.

Many of the patterns we take for granted in D, from templates in general to conversion and literals on top of them, to ranges and algorithms, were principally designed and implemented by Andrei.

std.experimental.allocator is very well done and the Design by Introspection is not just smart insight to the generic programming problem, but actually explored and explained in such a way that we can hook onto it.

His talks and writing are amusing and informative, and his dedication unquestionable.

Andrei Alexandrescu is a very good, innovative programmer and writer who invents and explains things that others can't even consider.

We're lucky to have him with us!

I bought TDPL on sale whim a year ago, without any real interest in using D--just curious what it's deal was. And I think I devoured the whole thing in two evenings. It's one of the best books about a programming language I've read. I learned a lot from it---not just about D, but about language design and programming as well. And it's just funny as hell.

Between the book and his talks, he's a great representative for the language.

Like many folks, I only use D for hobby projects, and I could drop it at any time. I find the things that keep me excited about it are things I've read or heard from Andrei.

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