On Saturday, 21 May 2016 at 22:05:31 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 21.05.2016 20:14, Walter Bright wrote:
It's good to list traps for the unwary in FP usage. It's disingenuous to list only problems with one design and pretend there are no traps in
another design.

Some designs are much better than others.

Indeed. There are actually _only_ problems with D's take on floating point. It even prevents implementing higher precision double-double and quad-double math libraries by error-correction techniques where you get 106 bit/212 bit mantissas:

C++ w/2 x 64 bits adder and conservative settings
--> GOOD ACCURACY/ ~106 significant bits:

#include <iostream>
int main()
const double a = 1.23456;
const double b = 1.3e-18;
double hi = a+b;
double lo = -((a - ((a+b) - ((a+b) - a))) - (b + ((a+b) - a)));
std::cout << hi << std::endl; // 1.23456
std::cout << lo << std::endl; // 1.3e-18 SUCCESS!
std::cout << (hi-a) <<std::endl; // 0

D w/2 x 64/80 bits adder

import std.stdio;
void main()
const double a = 1.23456;
const double b = 1.3e-18;
double hi = a+b;
double lo = -((a - ((a+b) - ((a+b) - a))) - (b + ((a+b) - a)));
writeln(hi);  // 1.23456
writeln(lo); // 2.60104e-18 FAILURE!
writeln(hi-a); // 0

Add to this that compiler-backed emulation of 128 bit floats are twice as fast as 80-bit floats in hardware... that's how incredibly slow it 80 bit floats are on modern hardware.

I don't even understand why this is a topic as there is not one single rational to keep it the way it is. Not one.

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