On 6/7/2016 1:13 PM, Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Yes, it's hard to implement.  Shrug, you signed up for it.

I work on things pretty much on a maximizing benefit/cost basis. Working on something that has a clear tremendous cost and a benefit that it might close a hole that nobody has run into after many years of use, puts it near the bottom of the list of productive things to do.

This is how all engineering projects work.

However, that should not dissuade anyone who believes it is worth their own effort to work on it, as everyone has their own benefit/cost function.

BTW, it is a nice idea to require mathematical proofs of code properties, but real world programming languages have turned out to be remarkably resistant to construction of such proofs. As I recall, Java had initially proven that Java was memory safe, until someone found a hole in it. And so on and so forth for every malware attack vector people find. We plug the problems as we find them.

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