On Friday, 10 June 2016 at 00:23:13 UTC, Mathias Lang wrote:
2016-06-10 1:20 GMT+02:00 maik klein via Digitalmars-d < digitalmars-d@puremagic.com>:

Did you try to send a native delegate ? I would be very surprised if you were allowed to do so.

That is what I am currently doing and it at least appears to be working as intended.

Note that not all delegates allocate. Function local delegate refering to variable do, but the one refering to aggregate never do.

All my closures/delegated need to capture a local variable. They capture a pointer to a heap allocated "Cell". I use the cell as a primitive to write my result into. It has an internal atomic counter, if the counter as decremented to 0, I know that I can safely read from it.

I am not sure how I would implement it differently.

So that means that all my delegates allocate, and they allocate with the GC.

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