On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 16:40:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Thanks for this work.
I think there are a few considerable issues with the proposal, but also that all are fixable.

Your message was very long, so for the moment I'm going to filter it down to just the high-level design criticism. (The rest is unimportant unless/until we reach consensus on the design, anyway.)

* The opening documentation states this proposal is concerned with adding checking capabilities to integral types. It is a full-blown package with 6 modules totaling 4690 lines as wc counts. (For comparison: std.experimental.allocator, which offers many facilities and implements a number of difficult structures and algorithms, has 11831 lines.) That's a high budget and a high imposition on users for adding checks to integral types. Such extensive style of coding goes against the D style we want to promote.
The budget I'd  establish for this is one parameterized type in
one module of manageable size. Several parameterized types would
be okay if they characterize distinct abstractions and use the same backend. Anything else is an indication of a design run awry.

This can be summarized as, "It's too big and complicated."

`checkedint` as it stands is, I believe, fairly close to the smallest implementation possible in D today, within the constraints of the features demanded by the community in past discussions, coupled with my high-level design goals.

If you want something shorter or simpler, you will have to cut features or compromise the design in other ways. (Or improve the D language to facilitate a more elegant design.)

Some features and design goals that combine to motivate my design:

1) Checked types must signal an error (somehow) whenever their behaviour
      deviates from that of an ideal mathematical integer.

2) It should be possible to recover from errors - using `assert(false)` or a deliberate divide-by-zero to crash the program is bad design unless the condition that triggers it is never supposed to happen, ever.

3) Performance (with respect to both speed and memory use) should be as close as possible to that of the built-in machine integer types.

4) The API should minimize verbosity and ceremony, because otherwise hardly anyone will use it - people generally prefer convenience over safety.

5) Writing generic code that works correctly with both checked and unchecked
      types must be easy.

6) The API must make safe usage easy, and (accidental) unsafe usage hard, because people generally don't pay much attention to the docs (even if they're good). A false sense of security is worse than none at all.

   7) The API must be usable in `nothrow @nogc` code.

8) The number of distinct template instantiations generated in natural use must be finite, to prevent excessive combinatorial explosion when checked types are used in public APIs. (Templates that are just aliases, and small functions that always inline don't count against this.)

Also it is worrisome that one type wasn't enough (in spite of extensive parameterization with policies) and two are needed, with subtle differences
between them that need to be summarized in a table.

The reason for the `SmartInt` versus `SafeInt` split is that with D's current semantics
(4) and (5) conflict.

`SmartInt` prioritizes (4); `SafeInt` and `DebugInt` prioritize (5).

Getting to the design: the root of the problem is a byzantine design that is closed to extension.

The design was closed deliberately because of (8). Template bloat is a major concern, even with the current finite design.

I want `checkedint` to be usable in public APIs, and that requires some standardization of error handling and base types to be enforced upon the users. Otherwise, everyone will choose something different and all template instantiations involving integer types will become practically single-use.

Looking at the IntFlagPolicy, it offers three canned behavior: throws, asserts, and noex.

The choice of policies is motivated by the natural incompatibility of (2), (4), (6), and (7). I built in enough variety to allow people to choose their own priorities among those goals, and no more because of (8).

* One of the first things I looked for was establishing bounds for numbers, like Smart!(int, 0, 100) for percentage. For all its might, this package does not offer this basic facility, and from what I can tell does not allow users to enforce it via policies.

Here you are suggesting adding even more complexity to a design that you have already de-facto rejected as overly complex. As discussed earlier in this very thread, I studied adding support for arbitrary bounds and decided not to pursue that right now because implementing it in a performant way would greatly increase the complexity of `checkedint`, and make the template bloat problem much worse.

Also, this suggests that other types should be considered, how about Smart!bool and Smart!double?

Neither `bool` nor `double` has the kind of severe-but-fixable safety and correctness issues that the machine integer types do, which motivates the `checkedint` design. No doubt someone can make up some sort of meaning to attach to those symbols, but it will most likely have nothing to do with `SmartInt`.

* Not sure why divPow2 is needed, why not some enforcedOp!"<<"

Because (although similar) a bit shift is actually semantically different than dividing or multiplying by a power of two. The bit shift implies different rules for rounding and overflow.

I realized in testing that even for `SmartInt`, the bit shift semantics are still useful sometimes, and decided that it was better not to confuse the two. A `smartOp` version of the bit shifts is necessary because the built-in bit shifts have some undefined behaviour that needs to be fixed.

etc. Same about pow, why not enforcedOp!"^^"?

`pow()` exists as a free function to satisfy (5), and because the `^^` and `^^=` operators both have language-level bugs that currently make their use incompatible with (6).

I see little value in free functions such as e.g. abs() because they are trivial one-liners. I understand the need for completeness, but it seems a good aspiration for consistency is being marred by a bunch of code pulp that really does nothing interesting. Probably not worth it.

`checkedint`-aware versions of functions like `abs()` are necessary to satisfy (4) and (6) together.

The hook may have state (e.g. hysteresis, NaN flag, error state, etc) so that's why it may be embedded within Checked.

The early iterations of `checkedint` worked this way (although I had no plans to support user-defined hooks). I implemented and debugged it, and thought it was about ready to submit many months ago.

Then I actually tried *using* it, and hated it. The problem with using a NaN state, is that in nothrow code you have to manually check it before *every* call to an external (non-`checkedint`-aware) function, or you may accidentally lose it.

As a result, safe NaN-based APIs violate (4), while concise APIs violate (6). The IEEE-inspired sticky flags feature is my solution to this problem, and it is far more pleasant to work with in practice - as well as faster and more memory efficient.

Meanwhile, in code that allows exceptions, there is no reason to pay the speed and memory penalty of carting around the NaN state to check later - just throw on the spot whenever something goes wrong.

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