On 17/06/2016 1:22 AM, Dejan Lekic wrote:
I still use CHM document as it is absolutely the best solution
compared to anything else. I think it is a mistake to compare CHM with
PDF... They are made for different things...

I forgot to mention - I use CHM on Linux. It is not my fault that
opensource community could not come up with a better or/and standardised
solution... The only standard solution for this that Linux has are man
pages - clearly not suitable this purpose! Other, better solutions are
there, but are not adopted by all - Gnome has one format, KDE another,
etc... CHAOS. Therefore, I decided to use CHM.

It's doable to have epub generation[0].
PDF can do a heck a lot more then what most people even know[1].

[0] http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/d-apt/files/doc/2.071.0/dlangspec-2.071.0.epub [1] http://help.adobe.com/en_US/acrobat/acrobat_dc_sdk/2015/HTMLHelp/#t=Acro12_MasterBook%2FJS_API_AcroJSPreface%2FJS_API_AcroJSPreface.htm

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