I've seen this good Google Talk video from Jan 2008, "MonetDB/X100: a (very) 
fast column-store", about a more efficient column-oriented DBMS:

The efficiency of this DBMS (something like 50 times faster) is produced by few 
- It's column-wise, this helps in several other successive optimizations too 
(row-oriented DBMS have their purpose still, the column-oriented are good only 
if you want to perform statistics on most of your data, certain kinds of data 
mining, etc).
- At 13.57 it shows that instead of yielding single tuples (or single items, 
it's column-oriented), it yields arrays of about 100 fields. This allows to 
create primitives that are much more efficient. And the CPU can process them 
better, using SSE instruction too. Such small arrays are designed to fit in the 
CPU cache (probably L2). Such vectorized operations are also pipelined in some 
- The filtering operations often don't produce new vectors, they just mark the 
items as not present any more inside an array. This helps reducing the number 
of allocatations of new arrays.
- On disk data is kept compressed, the compression is column-wise, and 
decompression is done only just-in-time to reduce the amount of data transfers. 
The number compression takes in account that often data is sorted, so it's 
delta-compressed, and then such delta is compressed only in a range of the 
Gaussian-like residual distribution (outliers are encoded directly). This 
compression also allows to keep large indexes in RAM, that speeds up things 
more. Such compression is I/O bound, the CPU performs it at max speed.
- They even shown vectorized hashing, but I have not understood how they work.
- Reading from the disks is done in a merged way, to avoid reading the same 
data many times for similar queries.

(The good thing is that it's not hard to understand most things shown in this 
video. But I'd like to see the C code they use as "reference", that's just 3 
times faster than their DBMS. Such C code may be improved).

Inside, DBMS work as the lazy operations that are getting more common in D2 
code, that are common in Python3, and even more in Haskell.

So in D2 to reduce the overhead of the lazy operations it may be useful to use 
a vectorized strategy (that's meant to be almost transparent for the D 
programmer), so items can be produced and moved in groups, inside arrays, like 
in that video. (The DBMS has an interpreter overhead, it's made of fast 
primitives used by lazy interpreted code). This idea can be applied in other 
languages too.

Lazy filtering is a bit less common in D2 code, so I don't know if the idea of 
not creating new blocks (and just marking items as absent, for example using a 
bit array attached to the items array) can be useful in D2 too, as in that X100 

In this discussion you have to think about pieces of code like:
xfilter(xchain(xmap(_, xrange(_)), xfilter(xmap(_))))
or things even more complex, and not something simpler, that LDC may be able to 
just fully inline.

(Time ago I have posted related comments on the Python newsgroup, but it was 

(Partially unrelated note: years after starting to program in D, I still miss a 
lot strict/lazy array comprehensions in D. Maybe Walter will eventually see how 
handy they are.)


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