On Thursday, 23 June 2016 at 23:16:23 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
This is a problem with optional (), not text.

A valid point. But we aren't going to have this change.

Spreading the shit doesn't make it smell good.

test takes n parameters and return a string representation of these parameters. returning an empty string when no parameters is provided is
very much expected.

If it has to be valid, this is what I would expect, yes. But it doesn't have to be valid.

The only place I can see this being useful is generic code which itself takes a tuple.


The alternative is to add special case. And here you get into the bad design land. When some bad design is introduced it causes problems. Now there is the option to introduce more and more bad design to work around the original bad design, or adopt a principled approach. I'd rather go for #2 . if I wanted #1, I'd be using C++ or PHP, which both fit that
spot better than D.

It's not a special case to require a minimum number of parameters.

You are just pushing the problem up one level. Now every template that call text with a sequence need to do a length check (and none will).

The very problem is that the optional () make the argumentless thing a special case. Special cases are like cancer, they spread. Making more argumentless thing special cases is just making the problem worse.

But it is pushed on somebody else, so I guess that's alright...

That reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI0euMFAWF8

When the solution to a problem is adding more special casing, you can be
sure you are not moving in the right direction.

There is already a special case for zero arguments -- a whole static if branch, in fact.

That's an implementation detail.

string test(T...)(T args) {
    auto ret = "";
    foreach (a; args) {
        ret ~= testImpl(a);

    return ret;

Or it can be seen as the bottom turtle.

string test(T...)(T args) {
    static if (args.length == 0) {
        return "";
    } else {
        return text(a[0 .. $ - 1]) ~ textImpl(a[$ - 1]);

Anyway, looking at the implementation to figure out what the semantic should be is completely ass backward. The implementation should match desired semantic not the other way around.

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