On Thursday, 23 June 2016 at 19:24:49 UTC, Seb wrote:
Let me start with the good news: since the DLang Tour was launched by André last month, we had about 3K unique visitors and continuously have between 100-200 visitors per day.

However here are the bad news: We loose about 40% of all visitors directly on the front page and we loose the majority (>70%) on the first ten pages. Our DLang Tour is the starting point for newcomers. Hence if you think in terms of Andrei's first five minutes, we loose pretty badly!

One thing that might encourage having people move further along is to set up the interactive code sections as "quizzes." I.e. have the visitor fill in code to give a certain output or pass a unittest instead of just having a pre-written example. This makes the tutorial more interactive and fun.

If this is geared towards real newcomers (not just c/c++ converts who are looking for quick reference), then I agree with Ali that less text per section (even if you need lots more bite-sized sections) would be best. If you look at the interactive tutorial on e.g. haskell.org, it moves in VERY small bits -- typing in math, sorting a list, etc. If even Haskell is going to break things down so simply, surely we can too. :)

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