Andrei identified a key blocker for D adoption is the incomplete implementation of @safe. I'm working on the compiler end. But Phobos has a lot of code that is pointlessly not @safe, making it frustrating to write @safe code that calls Phobos. Some are listed in Bugzilla, most are not.

So here's what to do:

1. Pick a module, any module, let's say ''.

2. Compile it:

    dmd -unittest -main std/foo

and run:


to verify that the unittests work.

3. Take a look at foo.d and look for a unittest that is not marked @safe.

4. Add @safe to the unittest

5. Do Step 2 on it.

6. If it works, submit a PR with the annotation (well, try to collect a few of these in one module)

7. If it doesn't work, find out where the unsafe code is and fix it, and submit a PR.

I've submitted maybe a dozen PRs against Phobos over the last day from doing this. It's only a start.

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