
I have designed a class based system that involves self-delegation instead of override.

It is similar to event based programming.

I have defined an event as a container type that holds functions(or possibly delegates, but the desire is to avoid them).

class Base
   alias EventMethod = void function(Base _this);
   public Event!EventMethod MyEvents

   public MyEvent()
       // Go ahead and inform subscribed handlers

       // Do other stuff here

The outside world can attach their own method to the event as normal. They act as effective members to Base but with only access to public members.

Now, the normal workflow in OOP is to derive from Base

class Derived : Base

   public override MyEvent()
// must call super.TriggerMyEvents for design to work, else events won't be called. This is dangerous

      // Other work done here.

To prevent the dangerous scenario of the deriving user from not calling the base class method, the workflow is changed to

class Derived : Base
    public static myEvent(Derived _this)
        // Other work done here

       // Subscribe to Base's MyEvent
       MyEvents += &myEvent;


The idea is that the Derived type tries to behave as much as possible like a non-derived type when it can. This separates certain behaviors from the base class. It helps in other areas of the design(because then those behaviors can be reused since they do not directly depend on the base type). It also free's up the methods to be overridable if necessary without breaking the event processing, since now the event processing is mainly done through subscriber model. Also, The derived class or anyone else can now unhook it's own event handling. If we need to temporarily "un-override" some behavior, we cannot do this in the inheritance model without mucking with the VTable which is dangerous.

Problems with this setup that are unfortunate but seem to be due to language limitations and no fundamental reasons:

If myEvent is static:

1. myEvent cannot use this, but _this is functionally the same. We have to prepend every access to the object's members with _this. It becomes very ugly code.

2. We also can only access public members because it is not a dynamic member. Yet it is clear that myEvent, being defined inside the class and having a _this ptr is meant to have full access like any normal member.

If myEvent is non-static:

1. Since Event only takes functions, we cannot directly add to it. There are some nasty hacks that seem to work but they have created other problems in the design.

2. It then invokes the GC even though there is no reason this is required. The design supplies the this ptr.


One has an either or situation here and neither are desirable.

It seems that D can do better.

1. Allow for module level, static member functions with a special _this parameter to act as a in between a function and a delegate. this = _this inside the body and has the class/struct type. The only difference between this an C++ delegates is that _this is explicitly passable.

This avoids the need to prefix _this to every member access.

2. Allow for C++ delegate style method. This is essentially 1 but hides the explicit passing of _this. It can be hacked though.

3. Allow access to private members of the enclosing type. For all practical purposes, it is part of the class construction and does not need to have the members hidden from it. It is both inside the module and inside the type and has a this type of parameter. It should be a first class citizen then.

4. Allow these new method types to be virtual. This is a bit of complexity that might not be desirable at this point though, but would allow them to be extended instead of acting like static or final methods.

The goal being to allow for derived types to participate in the oop hierarchy as general types do but to have special privileges. Maybe only protected members could be accessed by _this to allow for some level of control(but somewhat meaningless I believe).

These functions should be implicitly convertible to a function with first parameter of the class/struct type.

Maybe there is a cleaner way to accomplish this with templates though. I believe it essentially requires the assignment to this though, which I believe is illegal?

import std.stdio;

class Event(T, P)
        T[] callbacks;

        void opCall(P p)
                foreach(e; callbacks)

        void opOpAssign(string op, T)(T c)
                static if (op == "~")
                        callbacks ~= c;

class Base
        string test = "This is a test, only a test!";
        alias EventMethod = void function(Base _this);
        //alias EventMethod = void delegate(Base _this);
        auto MyEvents = new Event!(EventMethod, Base)();

        void MyEvent()

        void MyEventTrigger()

class Derived : Base

MyEvents ~= cast(void function(Base _this))(cast(void*)&myEventHandler); // Notice the ugly hack to insert our event hanlder but works //MyEvents ~= cast(void delegate(Base _this))(cast(void*)&myEventHandler); // can't cast! depreciated

        override void MyEvent()
                // Oops, what if we forgot to call base or did something hokey?

        // Lets keep things separated
static void myEventHandler(Derived _this) // If not static and function events used, crashes.
                writeln("Hello D-World! " ~ _this.test);


int main(string[] argv)
    auto d = new Derived();
        d.MyEvent();   // Oops, nothing!!!
        d.MyEventTrigger();  // Better!

    return 0;

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