On Monday, 4 July 2016 at 00:17:20 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
D is similar to me: it makes things easier for me, so I use it. Saves a lot of time which is a reward itself. If it doesn't work for you, meh, whatever.

yep. D is just a tool. a great tool, way better than most tools in the similar group (for me, at least), but it's not something i will worship.

as any good engineer, i love my tools, they are making my life easier. but if i'll find some tool that makes one of my current tools obsolete, and makes me way more productive with less efforts (mental included ;-)... i'll switch in the blink of an eye. like i did with Basic->Pascal, Pascal->C, then C->D. and mind you, i had a huge codebases at least with Pascal and C. that didn't stopped me. it won't stop me from D->???, if anything.

still, there is something one should to consider: sometimes engineers defending their tools with what may look like a religious passion. and often it may be not that, but we just got tired of reading "your toolbox sux, fix it, switch to XYZ, blah-blah-blah", and explaining again and again that "we are fully aware about this, but we have reasons 'a', 'b', 'c', ... 'many' to use this toolbox. and we are working on making it better."

such chats may be fun first three or five times, but then you just skipping it, possibly writing short answers like: "bwah, another dumb pseudo-guru. please, get lost."

so please, people, stop acting like you are the ones who seeing the light of Ultimate Truth. we *know* your Truth for *ages*. write bug reports instead of rants! ;-)

i'm guilty of this myself (ranting and so on), so i've been on both sides. when i just came to D, i've immediately noticed alot of obvious things that should be fixed for good, and sometimes wrote about that in "hey, listen to me, i know what to do!" manner. but as time passed, i've seen many other posts similar to mines. if it was so obvious, D devs must be really dumb to not see that by theirselves, right? and if they are so dumb, i don't think that they can program at all, so D just can't exist! but D exists, so something is wrong in this logical chain. ;-)

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