On 7/10/2016 10:07 PM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
Face it, your argument is destroyed :-)
Of course not.

Trying to reparse and reframe your answers isn't going to help. I know all those rhetorical tricks <g>.

I wrote:

> All useful computer languages are unprincipled and complex due to a number of factors: [...]

to which you replied:

> not true

But there are no examples of such a language that doesn't fail at one or more of the factors, Scheme included. Not Prolog either, a singularly useless, obscure and failed language. You could come up with lists of ever more obscure languages, but that just adds to the destruction of your argument.

The fact that other languages like C++ are adopting feature after feature from D proves that there's a lot of dazz in D!

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