On Friday, 15 July 2016 at 23:00:45 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 7/15/2016 1:48 PM, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
On 15/07/16 22:50, Walter Bright wrote:

You can do logical const in D just like in C++, and get those
performance gains. You just can't call it "const". But you can call it
/*logical_const*/ and get the same result.

No, you can't. The fact that the compiler enforces the no const to mutable
transition (unless you use a cast)

The compiler does next to nothing - the maintainer can stick in 'mutable' members, and there's no reliable way to detect that. The maintainer can stick in const removing casts, and there's no reliable way to detect that, either.

If it's not mechanically checkable, it is not reliable, and is what I call "faith-based programming."

is one of the main appeals of using const in
any language. If you call something "logical const", but the compiler does not
help you to catch bugs, then I don't see the point.

I agree, and the C++ compiler is unable to verify "logical const". It's entirely based on faith.

In effect, if logical const is what you want, C++ gives you a tool while D leaves you to your own devices. As a result, a lot of places you'd define as const in C++ are defined mutable in D, losing language expressiveness.

You and I certainly have polar opposite opinions on that. C++ does not have a notion of "logical const" (it is not in the C++ Standard). It's an uncheckable convention, might as well just use /*logical const*/.

D, on the other hand, has verifiable const and verifiable purity.

D's const/immutable feature is powerful and I love it. I would not trade it for C++'s version of const. It also seems fair to say that const as C++ implements it, would not be worth adding to D even if having two very similar features wasn't confusing. After all, every feature starts with a negative score.

This subthread took it too far, that's the only reason I waded in. C++'s const feature is not entirely useless.

If it's not mechanically checkable, it is not reliable,

I agree and I like mechanically checkable things. But I also like compiler features that mix mechanical checking with the ability to attest to something that can't be mechanically checked. Like the @system attribute. So this line of reasoning feels incomplete to me. Are we talking here about immutable/const only within the context of @safe code? If so, then I missed that but I get it. Otherwise, I don't get it.

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