On 12.07.2016 23:56, Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>What is the justification why the base should be evaluated as an lvalue?
Because changes made to a temporary get lost as they never bind back
to the original reference.

Which I'd expect. It is just like:

int x = 0;
assert(3 == ++x + ++x);

If the first '++x' was evaluated by reference, this would be 4, not 3.

Regardless, creating a temporary of a struct with a cpctor violates
the semantics of the type - it's the job of the frontend to generate
all the code for lifetime management for us.

Yes, but the front end can also be wrong. What is unclear here is if/why the front end should evaluate the array base by reference.

(Sorry for the belated response, I have been distracted).

(Me too.)

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