On 2016-07-21 10:52, Kagamin wrote:

As I see dependency resolution has function granularity, but headers
have only file granularity. How do you expect headers to work on finer
granularity level? If a module depends on another module, the header
must assume it depends on all members of that module and if one member
indirectly changes due to its private dependencies, it must be assumed
that all depending modules must be recompiled, because they depend on
the changed module even if they don't depend on the changed member and
its private dependencies.

Not sure if tup can solve this problem. It can if it builds full
dependency graph for each file instead of having one graph for the whole

A guess:

module a;

import b;

void foo()
    Bar bar;

module b;

struct Bar {}

The .di/header for module "a" don't need to include "import b" because "Bar" is not part of the interface of module "a".

/Jacob Carlborg

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