On 27/07/16 10:14, Walter Bright wrote:
Thank you. I'd prefer it to say something along the lines that it stops
execution at the assert(0) in an implementation-defined manner. This
leaves whether messages are printed or not, etc., up to the
implementation. I don't think the spec should require more than that
(for example, some uses may have no means to print an error message).

I would ask that it at least be a "recommends". This message is muchu useful, and finding out it is not displayed in DMD release mode was a major disappointment.

Updated proposed text:
The expression assert(0) is a special case; it signifies code that should be unreachable. Either AssertError is thrown at runtime if reached or execution terminated. In the later case, it is recommended that the implementation print the assert message to stderr (or equivalent) before terminating. The optimization and code generation phases of the compilation may assume that any code after the assert(0) is unreachable.


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