On Sunday, 31 July 2016 at 08:25:12 UTC, ketmar wrote:
On Sunday, 31 July 2016 at 07:52:43 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
The point here is to get up out of the chair for at least 2 mins every 40 mins to 60 mins.

while this may be good for physical state, at least with me it throws me away from "zone", and I need from 10 to 30 minutes to get back to work. not even "to full-speed work", but "just to work". and second or third such distraction puts me to "meh, I'm done today".

I'll have to agree. If I get interrupted 3 or more times in short succession (be it the cats insisting I put more food down, scratching at the door, phone calls, or someone asking me to get them a glass of water because they don't feel like getting up) I'm ready to call it quits for the day.

I don't really think I can stand to sit in one spot for as long as 40 minutes anyways. Maybe my chairs are too flat, but I end up shifting quite often or going to get a drink of water when I feel like it, rather than a mandatory every 60 minutes. I'll then wander for several minutes before finally going back to my chair. Being forced to reset or press play on a CD player is just an annoyance, I'm more likely to put it on auto-repeat, as I can listen to the same album several times or the same song for a few hours straight before I need to change it.

There's always the possibility you won't notice the music stopped either and go for another half hour or an hour before you realize it, especially when you're in the groove.

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