Warning, rant ahead.

I was trying to replicate asyncio Python functionality in D for a script that needs some updating at work. I got inspired after attending many talks and demos on the subject of async network requests and disk IO at the PyOhio conference this past weekend. I wanted to see if D was up to the task in part of my continuing crusade to introduce D at my place of work. I just spent the last five hours on this with no success and I give up; I'm just going to rewrite the original script in Python3.

I tried writing the functionality in libasync[1] and the higher level asynchronous[2] (not trying to pick on anyone, this is just my experience). libasync has no online docs, which makes the thing DOA for me. Regardless, I pushed on and got to the first step with libasync's examples, but it didn't have some of the higher level constructs that asyncio has, so I turned to asynchronous, which seems to be a D port of Python's asyncio.

It has online documentation of all of the functions and classes, great! But, the "examples" consist of the contrived tests and don't show real usage. Imagine you just bought a piece of furniture from Ikea, you have your toolbox and all of the parts out, but someone forgot to include the instruction manual in the box. You're smart enough to get the general shape of a dresser, but it collapses under it's own weight because you really don't know what you're doing. Or imagine trying to write a Java app in a world where Design Patterns never existed. That's what working with that kind of documentation is like. I can't for the life of me figure out how any of these pieces fit together, so I'm dropping it.

So please, if you don't want your hard work to go to waste, and you want people to use your library, please put more effort into better documentation. I love D, but I don't have the time to put more trial and error into this. I could read the source of the various libraries, I could continue banging my head against this wall, I could write my own code from the ground up using just the fiber interface. But at the end of the day, I need results, and I've already spent too much time on this.

Things that make "good" documentation:
1. A description of the possible uses of the library, and what you shouldn't use it for 2. The docs need to be accessible, that means having it online and searchable.
3. Detailed descriptions of the parameter and return values
4. If something will throw, say what will throw and when
5. Descriptions of other ways you might be shooting yourself in the foot. For example, documentation of alloca should warn about what happens when the current stack frame is left 6. Examples for every function. Simple examples are nice, but an example which shows real world use is even better. You need to show the user why this function exists. 7. Module level examples, meaning examples which show the entire module working in tandem. For example, the standard example for an async library is a async web crawler, which is a great way to show how to do something basic in concept while using a great number of features.

A great example of good docs are the docs for std.experimental.allocator[3]. It describes its goals, what it's for, and how to practically use it in a program. Each function has examples and parameter and return value descriptions.

[1]: https://github.com/etcimon/libasync
[2]: https://github.com/dcarp
[3]: https://dlang.org/phobos/std_experimental_allocator.html

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