On Friday, August 12, 2016 15:13:12 Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
> Thought this might help others looking for a fanless dekstop.

You don't have to go fanless to have a quiet computer, but there are other
pros and cons involved. I've had a full tower case for my computer for years
now, because I was sick of trying to mess with what was inside when it
barely fit, and I wanted room for more hard drives. The result was that I
ended up with a well-insulated case with very large case fans that don't
spin quickly. And since I had had problems with the heatsink/fan that came
with the CPU not doing a good enough job, I switched to having a huge
heatsinks (which then had a large fan on one side of it), so the CPU fan had
less to do on top of not needing to spin as fast. And the net result is that
I've had a very quiet desktop for years now (though obviously _much_ larger
than what you seem to be dealing with). It was actually quite a shock to me
I put together a secondary computer from some of my parts, and put it in an
old case without much insulation and smaller fans. The fans sounded _so_
noisy under normal circumstances and like they were screaming when I pushed
the CPU. But I'm pretty darn sure that that's exactly what it was like when
I'd used that case for my primary computer years ago. So, my perception has
definitely shifted overtime...

In any case, fanless certainly isn't necessary for a quiet computer, but it
certainly doesn't hurt, and the stuff like better insulation and large fans
do tend to mean that the case will be larger, which may not be what you
want. Regardless, thanks for posting about what you did find. I've never
seen anything quite like it.

- Jonathan M Davis

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