On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 21:37:11 +0000, ketmar wrote:

> On Wednesday, 17 August 2016 at 13:27:14 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
>> Especially since there are already ways to do this is a way that makes
>> the AA happy
> exactly the thing i was writing about. "hey, you, meatbag! i, Teh Great
> Machine, said that you have to use unions, not pointers! what? making a
> pointer to union point into the middle of the buffer is exactly the same
> aliasing problem, so unions doesn't solve anything? I, Teh Great
> Machine, don't care. it is your problems, meatbag, i'm not here to serve
> you."

It makes your intent more obvious. It's more obvious to other humans as 
well as the compiler. For me, it's a win with no downsides. For you, 
don't use @safe and you opt out of this class of optimizations and the 
related restrictions.

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