On Sunday, 28 August 2016 at 22:16:47 UTC, Illuminati wrote:
I don't know how you can make such an assertion. It's like saying that if there were no humans around to breath there would be no oxygen. You have to build something first for it to be used and grow, not the other way around, which is illogical. People can't use something if it doesn't exist, so you can't claim that for it to be created(put in to existence) that first people need to use it("have traffic"). The better you build something the more people will use it. If you can't build it well then no need to beat around the bush.

I am saying that any system does not come for free and has both setup and ongoing costs. It has to be justified by the fact that existing approach doesn't work anymore, "it is cool" or even "it is better" is not enough. D workforce is simply not large enough to afford commitments of limited importance.

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