Take a look on this discussion thread and you know WHY D IS NOT SO POPULAR.

The community discusses technical details and compares D to C++, but there is no clear mission statement, there is no vision statement and no marketing.

Often you merchandise D as a "system programming language", but the market for "system programming language" is tiny.

D offers so much more, it is the most mature "modern" compiler language with thread-local first principle, which makes it to the best choice for modern server programming projects. It's meta programing facilities gives you a rich base for high level large scale business application projects. Its embedded testing, the module concept ... are great for large scale projects.

I want to use D in an in-house project for a while, but D's marketing is so bad, that it is nearly impossible to convince the management. They feel, that D is instable (much to high version frequency), D is only "a kind of C++" and has no own ecosystem, and there is no (commercial) support.

From my point of view you need to get out of "systems programming language" niche and have to avoid the never ending public detail discussion. Try to position D as THE all purpose programming language for bigger teams. Do better documentation, update Andrei's book so that it is THE BOOK OF D. Maybe you have to split dlang.org into one site facing your customers (as me) and one (more internal) site for discussions and further developement. Change your release-concept in that way, that you have LTS-releases for your customers (as me) and more experimental releases for your compiler/lib-developer community.

And do marketing, marketing, marketing. Give talks, write (enrty level) articles for popular magazines ..



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