On 08/29/2016 11:33 AM, Marco Leise wrote:
The following could make it
more accessible, much like the two Exception constructors we

alias CheckedInt(T, T min, T max, Hook = Abort) =
      CheckedIntImpl!(T, Hook, min, max);
alias CheckedInt(T, Hook = Abort) =
      CheckedIntImpl!(T, Hook, T.min, T.max);

struct CheckedIntImpl(T, Hook = Abort, T min, T max);

Since then I've decided to confine static bounds computation to a separate type. Checked does naturally allow for hooks that impose dynamic bounds enforcement.

One interesting tidbit - I was looking at a bounded integer library for C++ and it looks like it didn't implement the most interesting parts - computing bounds for logical operations: https://bitbucket.org/davidstone/bounded_integer/src/cd25b513c508498e882acb6543db5e08999243fb/include/bounded/detail/arithmetic/bitwise_and.hpp?at=default&fileviewer=file-view-default


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