On Tuesday, 30 August 2016 at 16:12:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I'd like to initiate collaboration on an effort to do DIP1000 rigorously.

First we need to reduce D to a bare subset that only has integers, structs, pointers, and functions. That's a working subset of actual D code. The grammar I have in mind is at http://erdani.com/d/DIP1000.html.

There is no type deduction, member functions, classes, arrays, constructors, loops, etc. etc. etc. Only the ability to create arbitrarily complex graphs containing integers and pointers to other nodes.

On this language we need to define typing rules and evaluation semantics. Once we have those, we need to prove what we want: for scope variables the accessibility never outlives lifetime. As a consequence we're good to deallocate them early etc.

The model for typing, evaluation, and proofs is at https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/fj-toplas.pdf. It would be great if those interested in helping could give the paper a close read.

Once we get this done we'll have a fantastic model for any other language changes.


BTW, the Rust Mid-level IR (MIR) has a similar purpose: it lowers the complex AST to a sufficiently simpler one so that one can more easily do things like lifetime analysis / borrow checking on it. Similarly, Swift have a similar step in their compiler pipeline for ARC.

I don't know if such intermediate representation in the DMD FE is worth pursuing (obviously would be big development effort), but it may be worth having a look to see how such IR analysis is done in practice (on actual non-toy, non-purely academic languages), even if only for checking that your theoretical model captures sufficient information.

Here are some links, which I hope you would find helpful:

https://blog.rust-lang.org/2016/04/19/MIR.html (high-level non-technical introduction)

https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1211-mir.md (Rust RFC ~ equivalent of DIP)

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10487502 (Presentation slides about Swift's compiler pipeline)

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