Thanks, for the GC stub, that will be great for playing with whether or not
a little dmd app crashes after gc_annihilate(true).

Did I understand that right?


On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 6:16 PM, Cauterite via Digitalmars-d <> wrote:

> On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 10:42:23 UTC, Alexander Breckel wrote:
> Because of the poor memory management in the compiler, I included a
> modified GC-stub when I compiled the frontend as a library, so that it can
> be used in long-running processes:
> You can call gc_annihilate(true) to delete the entire heap.
> Obviously you need to keep the library in a separate DLL with its own
> runtime, and carefully avoid holding references to GC memory across
> annihilations.
> This technique is working pretty smoothly for me so far.
> Also to compile it as a DLL you either have to remove main() from mars.d
> or play games with the C runtime:
> ite/b190e62891c773703d0de3a1d99df362

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