On Saturday, 3 September 2016 at 12:40:26 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
No, LINQ doesn't work because of interfaces, but because of extension methods (C#'s variant of UFCS). The IEnumerable<T> interface defines only a single method. All the useful functionality is implemented as extension methods which are only available if the user specifically imports the namespace in which where they're defined (just like D's ranges and range primitive implementations for arrays). Those extension methods are used as a fallback, similarly to UFCS in D: every type can override the extension methods by implementing the method itself. Also more inner namespaces (more closer to the method invocation) override more outer namespaces.

I know extension methods, that's not the point.
The point is, that you cannot have a generic method like this in C#, it won't compile:

class Bar
    void GenericMethod<T>(T arg)

Instead you need a constraint like this:

interface IFoo
    void Foo();

class Bar
    void GenericMethod<T>(T arg) where T: IFoo

Similarly for LINQ, you cannot just implement a generic "Sum" extension method for IEnumerable<T> that works for all T, because you cannot just use the + operator in that method. It is not defined on T if there are no respective constraints.

Look at how it is implemented separately for every type T that supports +:
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