On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 11:16:20 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:
On Tuesday, 6 September 2016 at 14:49:20 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:
this( void* pArg = null );

Also doesn't work: this( Args... )( Args args ) if( Args.length == 0 )

Just for funsies I tried making my Mutex a class for the purpose of embedding it manually in a struct. But thanks to all classes inheriting from Object there's 16 bytes at the front of the class that I don't want (64-bit build, it's 8 bytes in 32-bit builds but we're never going back to 32-bit). So that's very definitely out of the question.

static opCall() seems to be the only way to do this then. I can autogenerate it for any C++ bound class. But it's inadequate. It leaves room for user error when instantiating any C++ object in D. It's also another thing that C++ programmers need to be thoroughly educated about as Type() in C++11 calls the zero initializer, but in D it's effectively the opposite semantics.

I guess the only thing you can ask and obtain here (I mean, with a bug report) is that @disable this() should be allowed to coexist with static opCall(). That would prevent your users from instantiating structs the wrong way (both nested in other structs and on the stack).

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