On 9/28/2016 12:47 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
* Please remove colloquialisms. Characterizations such as "fantastically useful"
are unlikely to be a convincing motivator and have no place in a DIP.

* The motivation section should showcase examples that currently are not
possible or are contorted in D, followed by their alternative implementation
using the proposed feature. At best, the example would be taken from existing
code (e.g. found in dub, phobos, etc). Next best is code that defines a
plausible artifact.

* The motivation section should also hypothesize on why the feature did not get
traction in other languages than Python (Java, C++, C#). Also, it would be
useful to show why D does need the feature even though it already has richer
exception handing mechanisms by means of "scope".

* The "Description" section should be more detailed and less casual. The grammar
changes should be shown in a syntax similar to the current grammar definition.

* [...] The proposal should be standalone and fully specified without knowing 
Python or
perusing external links.

* [...]  Please focus on
examples that are meaningful and easy with the feature, difficult without.

These are great suggestions and apply generally. They should be added to the guide on doing a proper DIP.

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